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Open folder location from geooprocessing pane

02-05-2024 02:17 PM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Frequent Contributor

I would like to see "Open folder location" in the list of things we can do after running a tool or exporting a map/layout. Often times, when I'm exporting things, my very next step when the export is complete is to share it with someone. It would be nice to be able to select that from ArcGIS Pro and not have to open Windows Explorer. Same thing with running a geoprocessing tool.



Tags (2)

@JenniferBorlick I know it isn't exactly what you're requesting, but you can copy the output file from the View Details popup, paste into File Explorer, and delete the file name to get to the output directory.


To make sure we fully understand the idea, you're asking for something like the 'Show In File Explorer' command that we have from the Catalog pane, but for geoprocessing output and map/layout exports?





Yes. That's exactly what I mean. 🙂

I have done your workflow before. It gets the job done, but it would be nicer if there was only 1 click to get there. 


Good idea. This is similar to how most browsers behave with downloads, in case you forget what folder you downloaded something into. Here's a screenshot from Google Chrome:

Screenshot 2024-02-15 112042.png