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Multipatch to GLTF

12-30-2022 11:27 AM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Frequent Contributor

Currently, the only 3D model transfer format that ArcGIS Pro supports in terms of exporting is Collada.  However Collada is an older spec and not handled well by many 3D design software titles.

I would like functionality to export a 3D Multipatch object from ArcGIS Pro into GLTF (ascii AND/OR binary).

The general flow would be similar to arcpy.MultipatchToCollada_conversion() and could be something like arcpy.MultipatchToGLTF(output_path, output_name, prepend_source_name, format="BINARY")

(or, format="ASCII")

GLTF/GLB files are handled very pleasantly not only by numerous 3D design titles (e.g., Blender can open a 100mb GLTF without breaking a sweat while a 50mb Collada will bring it to its knees) but also the universal three.js framework.

Please bring GLTF export support to ArcGIS Pro!


@EricEagle Apologies for the confusion. By "we" I am referring to the developers at Esri. We have multiple teams working on this feature and it will be part of Pro. It will be an offline feature, meaning you can export any time you want. There will be a GUI option for you to select and export the 3D models that you want from a local scene in Pro.


@NDGraphics Awesome!  Thanks for the update!  Can't wait for this to drop


Do you have a timeframe for  glTF export. Please.

Status changed to: Open

@EricEagle , no worries on the late response. I went ahead and opened it back up as you requested. 

Also, understood that my solution doesn't work for your situation. That solution is just one method. We have another more standard way to import/export models into Pro that does not require turning on Windows Projected File System. I'm unsure of the version of Pro you are using, but in Pro 3.2 we offer two new geoprocessing tools that will also allow you to also convert your files to other 3D formats. The documentation can be found here: 

Hope this works for you.