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Modify the ArcGIS Pro post parser to allow publishing of AGOL and Enterprise writable services from an enterprise database view.

02-23-2023 12:47 AM
Status: Closed
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor

We have detected that ArcGIS Pro does not allow publishing views of corporate databases in AGOL editable services, we understand that editable views cannot be published in Enterprise, but in AGOL, as the data is copied to the ESRI cloud repository, NO We understand this limitation and ask that the product be modified to allow it.

That is, that the ArcGIS Pro analyzer discriminates whether the service is going to be referenced in Enterprise, or in Hosted Enterprise/AGOL.

1 Comment
Status changed to: Closed

The problem that you're referring to is due to a bug. An internal issue has logged for this problem. Please contact Support if you have further questions. Thank you.