Mobile geodatabase query layers

12-03-2022 12:58 AM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Esteemed Contributor

It would be helpful if we could create query layers on mobile geodatabase data.

For example, create a query layer to roll up features using GROUP BY. And loads of other functionality that's only available in full-blown SQL queries.


Related post: Support query layers for file geodatabases


Hi Bud, the Create Database View geoprocessing tool will do the equivalent for you, make a view and add it to your map.


Although a Query Layer and Database View could give the same result within a map, the implementation is different.  I think the difference is enough to warrant keeping this idea.


Query layers are useful for temporary or one-off cases where you don’t want to create an object in the database.


ArcGIS Pro 3.2.1

It seems like mobile geodatabase views have something that is close to a query layer.


If I drag the mobile geodatabase view from Catalog to the map, then the Contents feature layer properties has a section called Query:


That's similar to a query layer in an enterprise geodatabase: (different environment; ArcGIS Pro 2.6.8; Oracle 18c 10.7.1 EGDB)



It's almost as if we have a query layer-like mechanism for mobile database views. Except the Query section isn't editable (it brings up the edit query layer dialog, which seems like a bug). And we aren't able to create query layers from scratch that are based on a feature class or table, not a view.


It's strange. I saved the Contents feature layer as a .lyrx layer file. But the layer file doesn't contain the SQL from the Query section from the feature layer properties. I was expecting to find a Query entry in the JSON with the value being something like this:

select OBJECTID, Shape, type from main.a_test_vw

But the word "query" isn't anywhere to be found in the JSON. Neither is the SQL query above.

So I guess the Query section in the Contents feature layer properties is sort of fake, for lack of a better word. Maybe it's generated on the fly/dyamically.

For what it's worth, file geodatabase views don't have the Query section in the Properties —> Source tab:



Esri Case #03521080 - Mobile GDB database view: Feature Layer properties — Source tab — Query section

Support logged an enhancement for this issue, the current status for the enhancement is In Review.
ENH-000164223 - Needs more clarification on mobile geodatabase view layer properties > tab Source > Query section 
As mentioned in the enhancement, mobile geodatabase view layer Properties > tab Source > Query section offers the ability to edit query layer, however the SQL query isn't actually editable, we need clarification on whether the Query section / Edit Query Layer should be removed from the Source tab, or the query editing functionality should be added to both mobile and file gdbs.

A use case for query layers: Control schema locking behavior in ArcGIS Pro