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Missing Feature cache in ArcGIS Pro

04-19-2021 03:26 AM
Status: Under Consideration
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor

CEDA Maps company is, among other things, a producer of geodatabases. One of our most important products is the StreetNet geodatabase.

The underlying layer of the entire geodatabase is the complex routable road network. Each element (feature) of this network is described by many attributes (approx. 100) bearing information about the functional category and type of communication, the number and class of the road, as well as the essential attributes for moving (routing) on the network (entry bans, one-way, tolls, etc.).

Additional layers are railways, built-up areas, land use categories and forests, water areas and streams, administrative divisions, and many more.

The stumbling block is the size of the road layer – 4 million records (constantly growing in terms of both the number of elements and the amount of their attribute information). The data is processed and maintained in a multi-user versioned database (MSSQL) by ArcSDE technology.

Our workflow contains:

  • complex map legends: we collect comprehensive road network information and complex legends are a necessity
  • many layers in the project
  • multi-user editing of versioned data
  • and mostly data sets with millions of records…

Despite this, using Feature cache functionality, working with such extensive data is almost seamless. But this option gives us only ArcGIS Desktop (we use ArcMap 10.8.1). Therefore, we are still asking and waiting very much to see if the tool Feature cache will also be included in the ArcGIS Pro.


Some "tricks"/limitations might increase the responses (simplifying legends, …), but we still don't believe it could completely replace the well-functioning Feature cache in ArcGIS Desktop.

The table provides an overview of the responses of the same acts in different ESRI products:



ESRI product


ArcGIS Pro

ArcMap without Feature Cache

ArcMap with Feature Cache





polygon reshape

 6-10 sec

11+ sec


line reshape

 6-10 sec

 6-10 sec


topological node movement

 11+ sec

 3-6 sec


attribute change

 1-2 sec

 1-2 sec


vertex movement

 1-2 sec

 1-2 sec


create new feature

 3-6 sec

 3-6 sec



Thanks for posting this idea @PetrSTASTNY.  Your response time table is a great example.  Feature caching in ArcMap allowed us to get 3 times the work done; now, we are left with a new and "improved" software platform riddled with editing inefficiencies. I have tried every possible configuration you can imagine, and the performance of editing in ArcMap can simply not be matched in ArcGIS Pro...

Status changed to: Under Consideration