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Mandatory/enforced field value entry

01-13-2016 02:54 PM
Status: Closed
Labels (1)
Frequent Contributor
We have a database system that has some fields that must be filled in before the user can save a new record.  If they leave those fields blank they're prompted to fill them in or cancel and lose changes.

We'd like to see the same functionality in the Geodatabase where ArcMap prompts the user to populate mandatory fields.  A default value won't work as these are often fields where the user would need to make a decision about what value to use, but we can't allow no value in the field.

There is an option "Field Is Nullable" when adding a new field via ArcToolbox.  This doesn't do what we require, as all it does is leave a 0 or blank value in a field rather than a NULL.  It doesn't notify the user or refuse to save etc. if the field hasn't been populated.  What we need is another option here something like "Field Value Mandatory" where a value that isn't blank or NULL or 0 - some kind of user input - is required.
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Status changed to: Closed

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