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Make Layer From Selected Features when working in a layout

05-26-2022 01:53 PM
Status: Implemented
Labels (1)
Honored Contributor

For some reason the Make Layer From Selected Features option is grayed out when you're working in a layout. You have to open the map, where it functions properly.







One workaround is in the Layout, click the Layout tab and in the Map group, select Activate.  Once activated, you can then do a right-click - "Make Layer From Selected Features"  No need to open the map.


@Robert_LeClair  Opening the map is equally tedious, though.

Status changed to: Under Consideration
Status changed to: Closed

This has been determined to be a bug and has been logged as [BUG-000149661: The Make Layer From Selected Features option from the context menu is greyed out when working in a layout.] Therefore, we are closing this idea.

If you are affected by this bug, please go to and use the Subscribe button to get set up for notifications as well as to increment the count of affected users which helps us prioritize issues.

Thank you!


@KoryKramerwill do, thanks! I've subscribed to several bugs but have never gotten any sort of notifications for any of them...where would those notices be?


Thanks @wayfaringrob notifications should be sent when there is a status update. Do you happen to have any examples of a bug you've subscribed to and not received a notification? Perhaps the status hasn't been updated yet?

@KoryKramer   BUG-000148962 would be a recent one, though I logged that through tech support. Is there a way to see all the ones I've subscribed to that I didn't report myself?

Hi @wayfaringrob If you submitted issues or were attached to issues through technical support, you should receive notifications when the status is updated. While the same is true for issues you subscribe to through, there isn't a way to pull up a view of what you have subscribed to through that method. It may be something that we could look into in the future, but isn't currently possible.



Hm, thanks for the info. I've never received notifications about bug updates.


On BUG-000148962, that status was updated on May 25th - I think the email would have come from Is it possible for you to check a spam-filter?

Also, I learned that if you use the Support app, you should be able to see what you've subscribed to. We're hoping to bring that functionality to the site in the future.