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Linked Views: Link Map View and Map Frame extent

03-01-2024 12:41 PM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
MVP Regular Contributor

 One of my users was wondering if it would be possible to have the extent of a map frame in Layout View to move dynamically with the corresponding map in Map View. This is not currently possible; you have to Activate or Zoom to Last Active Map (Or zoom to selection or Layer or whatever). 

That being said, could we get that functionality added in the form of Linked Views?

To quote the documentation:

The extent of the map in a map frame is unique and independent of any map view that is open in the project. This means zooming or panning in an open map view does not change the extent of the map on the layout. To change the extent, or make other modifications to the map contained in a map frame, you mustactivate the map. You can also control how the extent is changed by setting amap frame constraint.


While the map extent of each map frame is independent of other map frames, the contents of a map frame's map are not. A map frame is just like having another map view open. For example, if you select some features on a map, those features are selected in all open views of that map—including in map frames. Likewise, if you turn off a layer in one view, it turns off in all views. Layer properties cannot be set per view.

If the map frame is just like another map view, it'd be nice if we could link extents like we do with normal map views and save ourselves a few clicks. Crucially, I am not requesting that all map frames get linked to their corresponding map, but that we can do it on a deliberate basis.

Other people have expressed interest in this functionality as well: Solved: Link data view with layout - Esri Community