Let user decide when label expression pane should lose focus

4 weeks ago
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Frequent Contributor

Bit of a nuisance here in the labeling department...if you're actively writing a label expression in Arcade and need to switch from your map to a table or another view (very common to go make sure you're using the right field or value or whatnot)...you get bugged about your labeling expression being uncommitted, your only options are to OK (accept what you had, which it ignores if your incomplete code didn't have perfect syntax, which it probably wouldn't if you were editing) or cancel. Irksome. If I have a label expression in draft form, I shouldn't lose it just because I needed to go peek at something else real quick -- especially if I'm not clicking apply or cancel myself first.

Ex - you can see I have a label exp I'm not quite done with. If I click any of the views that aren't the view I most recently came from (which, in this case, I'm not even sure, I think it was the table) -- I lose my expression.


Grrr, nope, wasn't the table. I clicked the table view and was greeted by this unwelcome visitor:


Might the application 1) back off on its sensitivity to the "active" view, perhaps by eliminating duplicative keyboard shortcuts, 2) hold my incomplete expression in memory and somehow throw a very loud error on the map, or 3) allow me to restore a previous draft (much like on this very website?)
