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Layer effects - use scroll wheel to adjust transparency slider

03-29-2023 02:57 PM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Honored Contributor

Much like the flicker spinner to the right, it would be nice if the transparency slider also responded to the scroll wheel when selected.



Tags (1)

@wayfaringrob while it isn't the slider itself that responds to the mouse scroll wheel, when the cursor is in the number box, scroll works:


It looks like the catch is that if you have opened the slider and then use the mouse scroll wheel to move it, the control doesn't respond. But if you bring focus to the number box, scroll works (even with the slider open). Is there a reason that you need to see the slider while using the mouse scroll wheel? Because it reduces a click (to two?) if you just scroll directly in the control.

Perhaps of interest to you would be 


@KoryKramernice find! I guess visually it's nice to have the slider indicator, which also clues you into the fact that it's scrollable, and also, to have some way to close/commit rather than have it redraw every time you lift your finger


new related issue, slider keeps glitching. the dropdown occasionally disappears while dragging. coworker identified the issue on 3.1.1. and I replicated on 3.1.2.


It seems like the issue pointed out above may be related to this:

since there is also an animation of the tab that usually only happens when switching tabs.