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Interface Scaling Smaller than 100%

07-18-2022 09:21 AM
Status: Open
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Frequent Contributor

In the Options > User Interface > Ease of Access settings,  there is a drop down to change interface scaling.  

Currently the options only allow you to scale up for accessibility.  

I would be useful to have a way to scale the interface down. 

This is useful for people who switch between high resolution monitors (4-5k) and regular HD monitors (or smaller).  

Screen real estate is always at a premium.  I imagine it should be relatively simple to add some additional options to the drop down menu.  

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I agree with this! I have a high resolution monitor and would be interested in seeing 75%-100% options!


I was just looking around for ways to do this. Windows won't let you scale an individual program's UI. It's nice to know that Pro has an option to scale up, but I, too, would like to be able to scale it down without having to scale the whole display down. Every other program becomes too small to use at 100%, but a higher DPI setting would be nice to make it easier to fit more onto the display without having to resize or collapse other elements of the window repeatedly.