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Integrate table into legend

07-19-2022 02:09 PM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Frequent Contributor

I often include a table of coordinates in my layout just below the legend.



Since this is usually in a map series, and the legend displays dynamically just the content of the current page, there is a differing amounts of space between the legend and the table. This is especially annoying when the table is quite large and could use the extra space very well. 



It would be neat to be able to "integrate" (for lack of a better word) the table in the legend, so that it moves up and down dynamically with the legend content. 

1 Comment

Love that idea, just had to go to a Table Frame for some data instead of using a second legend in one of my maps, and this would have worked great. The alternative for yours for now I would think would be put the table at the top so the legend expanding up and down is underneath it. Unless the table expands too...