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Indicate whether Annotation Feature Classes are upgraded

11-07-2024 05:45 AM
Status: Already Offered
Labels (1)
Frequent Contributor


Since ESRI haven't included a driver to work with annotations made with arcmap, we have to update them.

My idea is to let see us which annotation is updated with a mark.  

It's very frustrating to batch upgrade annotations (who take 10 + hours by database) to see Pro crash.  Then when selecting again the database and process again to see if some of the layers need to be upgrade, the batch upgrade give the message that it's already updated.  So this is wrong since the upgrade stop at the crash leaving the upgrade somewhere undone.


Marcel, please log a support incident for your issue here.


Since Monday I send 10+ reports so, that not the point.

The point is since ESRI change the annotation format a not, in transition, leave Pro work with these legacy, we need a way to easily see which one are updated from others.  

We have thousand of legacy annotations to leave with.  When update annotation crash, since is not cleaver enough to parse and update the one not already updated, we have to find the one missing update.


@CraigWilliams  I support the idea by @MarcelSt-Germain 
His crashing issues aside - there is merit in the idea.

Being able to see which Annotation Feature Classes have been successfully upgraded will be very handy. 
At this point I am keeping historical work in ArcMap and small map edits are done in ArcMap (thank goodness for not converting all permanent licenses to term heh?).
Only when a new client project is started will I create a copy of the AFC and then upgrade it - this is required to be able to access historic work (e.g. for specific client milestones or reports) in ArcMap without having to upgrade the entire body of work to Pro.
Being able to tell which is which will improve efficiency. 

Status changed to: Already Offered

The status of whether annotation has been upgraded is in the source tab of feature class properties in the Annotation section.




@MarcelSt-Germain If you have a reproducible case of a crash we can gather more information from the actual data than an error report. This is why I requested you log a support case.


@CraigWilliams How many clicks does it take to get to the screen/info you are showing?(Rhetorical question, answer is 4)

Having a simple icon change between past & present AFC formats will be much more efficient.

Should I lodge an Idea to be specific about the icon style or will you keep this as is and keep this Idea open?




Ok it's fine to see it inside proprieties.  But, when you have, in a FGDB hundred of items, you can't do it to see the one with or without upgrade.

So, when doing the batch upgrade, It's essentiel to mark the one already udpated to select only the one not upgraded or, make batch upgrade smarter to look at the selection an only upgrade the one not already upgraded.