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Increase User Control of Tables Added to Layout

04-08-2010 10:51 AM
Status: Closed
Labels (1)
Frequent Contributor

The options for adding a table to the Layout view are extremely limited and cumbersome for customizing because all of the options happen before the table is on the layout.  Adding tools to modify tables on the layout would make more sense.  A toolbar like the one for Drawing would be more beneficial, maybe one like in Excel.  If it could control color, justification, row heights, and column widths the frustration levels would quickly subside.

As someone who needs to add a table once in a blue moon, I doubt I'd be able to justify the additional expense of buying the production mapping extension, especially as I work in the public sector.

The problem is when your not making a profit it's much harder to justify anything beyond the basics. There's a tendancy to make do. In the mean time I just criticise ESRI's ArcGIS  for not being that good, even though ESRI's add on might be fantastic and resolve some of the problems I encounter. As a result I then pass on negative throughts to others I meet about my expariences of the ESRI ArcGIS software.

I doubt there's much that be done. ESRI need to make money and the public sector need to spend less.

Has anybody on this thread been working with table frames in ArcGIS Pro?

Work with a table frame—Layouts | ArcGIS Desktop 

Status changed to: Closed

Most of these comments have been addressed with the new Dynamic Tables experience in ArcGIS Pro.