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Include ALL item description\details fields for publishing web maps or layers from Pro.

08-11-2023 12:46 PM
Status: Already Offered
Labels (1)
Frequent Contributor

Hi All. Simple idea\request. While publishing content from Pro (whether web maps or layers), there is only a sub selection of item description fields available compared to item descriptions on AGO or Portal. This means that once you are done publishing in Pro, you have to go back to AGO or Portal and finish adding the rest of the information (and then obviously this information is not in your aprx either, which is frustrating). This just seems silly not having the same fields between platforms. From what I can tell, Pro only has the "Name", "Summary", and "Tag" fields, but does not include fields for "Description", "Categories", "Credits (Attribution)", and "Terms of Use". For us, we really need everything filled out. Having to bounce between platforms to get all the item descriptions filled out also lends itself to more items missing that information generally, which isn't good. Obviously, if the item needs to be overwritten, updated, or any changes are needed on the item descriptions, it would be nice to do all this in one place in Pro. It's the simple things in life that go a long way 😉


Hey @COSPNWGuy ! I believe what you are looking for is all under the Map Properties. (Map Properties/Metadata). Hope that helps! 




Well that's embarassing. Should have looked there. Thanks @kkefer.

So I tested this. It does indeed work or update all these items for the webmap. But it does not carry over to any of the feature layers. You would still need to go back and update each one. Also, "categories" is still missing altogether.


@COSPNWGuy Similar to @kkefer's response, you can also set metadata in your layer properties. Does this work for you?

There's a separate existing idea to support categories: 

Feel free to add your kudos to that post. We can close this idea if the other post meets your needs.

Thank you!


Status changed to: Already Offered

Full metadata is already supported on web layers and web maps. If the map or layer you've authored in ArcGIS Pro has metadata, it will be carried over to your web layer and it's sublayers upon published.