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Improve spatial join tool

10-22-2014 08:21 AM
Status: Under Consideration
Labels (1)
Frequent Contributor

Some enhancements that would make the Spatial Join tool more useful:

  • Allow user to name the "join_count" field automatically generated by the tool.  Currently if i want to perform several joins to the same target each creates a 'join_count' field, which ultimately has to get changed so its clear what data are being counted.
  • Allow serial join operations, that is, allow multiple 'join feature' feature classes per target feature class.  Sometimes I want to summarize/aggregate several layers to a single layer (such as county or census block), currently I have to do this one at a time or build a model to handle this.
  • Make data summaries easier to specify.  If i want to summarize a numeric attribute in a join feature I have to manually add a new field to the field map, specifiy the merge rule, then specify the input field.  If I want Min, Max, and Average for just one field this means 9 operations I have to complete.  We should be able pick all the desired summary statistics for a field just as we do with the Summarize tool when summarizing a table.
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Status changed to: Under Consideration