Improve Model Execution Messages in Python Window

03-26-2015 03:34 PM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor

I create most of my tools & models in ModelBuilder and I often run large batches of these models in sequence from the Python Window.  It is impossible to identify the progress of a model run the way the tool/model execution messages currently display in the geoprocessing results window.  Here are two reasons why:

  • The geoprocessing results window cannot be scrolled while a model run is in progress
  • The tool execution messages are too limited to give any indication about the progress of a model at any given time

I know that geoprocessing results are also written to the Results/Messages Window.  Unfortunately the Results Window records this information only on a model by model basis.  For 50 models I would have to copy/paste 50 messages to get a complete picture of the success/failure of a single model run. Furthermore, the Results Window does not have color coding for the various types of messages.

Below is an example of a model run in the Python Window with the model execution messages in their current configuration and with an example of what an improved geoprocessing results window might look like.  Yes, this is reminiscent of the Command Line Window (way back in 9.3) but I see no reason why it can't be available now.



1 Comment

This problem still exists in Pro Modelbuilder model execution. The scroll bar hops up and down irregularly. When you scroll it down to the bottom, it will only stay there for a second or two and move back to the middle or top of the execution window. I sent a video of the behavior to esri, they said they are working on improving the design of the progress window.