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Improve Feature Templates handling

02-03-2011 10:25 AM
Status: Open
Frequent Contributor
Enhance manipulation possibilities with Feature Templates:
  • Move or copy Feature Templates freely between layers in an edit session or import their settings form outside. Provide transition mechanism if database structure or geometry doesn’t match (like symbology).
  • Merge template settings of two or more Feature Templates (user controlled).
  • Save template settings to separate file or append them to Layer File.
  • Feature Templates management accessible outside an edit session for working purposes.
  • Create or rename Feature Template quickly in Crete Features window (no wizard).
  • Set dynamically generated attributes in Template Properties like current date etc.
  • allow building groups of Feature Templates (als Group Layers in TOC)
  • allow the user to change the order of Feature Templates manually (as in TOC)
  • Allow using skript code for genereting attributes in feature templates (as in calculate fields)
  • create a default  Feature Template wich creates a new Feature with no value (NULL or 0 / "") when in the layer's unique value renderer  "all other values" are displayed with a default symbol. Sometimes you just want to digitize a feature without attributes yet.
  • Apply attributes from a FeatureTemplate to a selected set of existing features. 
  •  Change default order of Feature Templates to be equal as in Layer Symbology (TOC)
Provide better linkage between Feature Templates and Symbology:
  • Auto-update feature templates according to layer symbology (option) – possibility to toggle auto updating of feature templates when layer symbology definition has changed
  • Auto-identify unrelated feature templates (option) – identify and highlight feature templates with no relation to symbology defined in TOC
  • Auto-delete unnecessary feature templates (option) – automatically delete unnecessary templates, unused templates or templates that don’t correspond to symbology in TOC 
  • Allow using skript code for genereting attributes in feature templates (as in calculate fields) based on the SHAPE
    • ​Points: x,y,z information:
    • Lines: lengths
    • Polygons: area, perimeter
When automatically creating feature templates, invlude the <All Other Values> catergory.

It would be very useful to be able to control the geometry of a new feature and not only the atributes. That is add new feature of a predefined geometry (size, etc ...). This is needed when adding standarized geometries.


i agree with almost all of the above.

most importantly, being able to share .lyrx files that include the templates would be so usefull. then individual users can change aspects such as their unique personal id etc.

also please, automatic date added to each newly created feature.