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Import Geo PDF as Raster

09-17-2013 05:35 PM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor
Here's a simple idea: Since all of the PDFs we've been exporting since ArcGIS 9.3 have the geo-referencing info built in, I'd like the ability to bring a PDF into ArcMap and have it appear as a georeferenced raster. That would be cool.
1 Comment
The USGS is now publishing its 1:24k quadrangle topo maps in a georeferenced PDF format lacking much of the traditional data such as trails, roads, buildings, etc.  This is especially for areas like National Parks or National Forests.  At the same however, many of entities such as National Forests have shapefiles containing much of this information.  Allowing import of georeferenced PDFs as rasters would allow users to create more complete maps.