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Import colour ramps from text files

06-24-2018 09:29 PM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Emerging Contributor

The ability to directly import a file which contained HEX or RGB colours would go a long way into easing map/figure production. For example the cpt-city colour ramps (cpt-city) come in a variety of formats. Is it possible to get an addon for ArcMap or Pro that reads (for example) .pg files which contain RGB codes for a colour ramp? Example of a .pg file here

import colour ramp

It's incredibly time consuming having to specify colours individually in the Edit Color Ramp box, and if this information already exists in a standardised format (such as .pg) this would save people a significant amount of time for large continuous colour ramps.

1 Comment

The ability to import colour ramps is critical and a serious tool missing from Pro. There are so many options to work with but they are difficult to implment at the moment. One important consideration ESRI should give to this tool is every colour scheme the user imports to a style is one that ESRI doesn't have to create.