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Hyperlinks tool like ArcMap, not Popup

4 weeks ago
Status: Open
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Occasional Contributor

In ArcMap there was the insanely useful Hyperlink tool... with it as the active tool any layer that had hyperlinks would outline/highlight a little differently than normal (highlight-lite, if you will) and then you could click on the map and any and all features at that location that has a hyperlink in its attribute table would be listed in its own popup... no need to open a layer's popup and scroll through the attributes to find the hyperlink to click on it, or obtain it from the attribute window nor from the table, as ESRI now suggests. This was insanely useful because it also had tool-tip enabled so when you hover your mouse over it you would see the description and decide which link to open when there are several to choose from. Now it is insanely clucky. Please add back the old Hyperlink tool.