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hyperlink prefix and suffix / Multiple hyperlinks

11-02-2012 09:27 AM
Status: Open
Frequent Contributor

I like that we can add hyperlink(s) within ArcGIS.  I noticed that we currently need to include the entire url for each record.  I think that can create unnessisarly large fields in the attribute table.  It would be save space and complexity if hyperlinks could be configured using prefixes and suffixes similar to how HTML popups can be configured.

In addition it would also be useful if multiple hyperlinks could be configured for a single layer.  This way we could have one link for a parcel pdf, another link for the parcel tax data, etc.

As an example, allowing prefixes and suffixes for hyperlinks we could elimate having to hard code the url for each record.

Example 1:  prefixes and suffexes not allowed
Layer Propertties> Display> Hyperlinks > Support Hyperlinks using field > URL to Tax Database


PIN                          URL To Tax Database                                                                        URL to Parcel Map Report
01-001-0      http:// url to the tax information page ?PIN=01-001-0           http:// url to parcel report?PIN=01-001-0
01-002-0      http:// url to the tax information page ?PIN=01-002-0           http:// url to parcel report?PIN=01-002-0
01-003-0      http:// url to the tax information page ?PIN=01-003-0           http:// url to parcel report?PIN=01-003-0
01-004-0      http:// url to the tax information page ?PIN=01-004-0           http:// url to parcel report?PIN=01-004-0

Example 2:  prefixes and suffixes allowed
Layer Propertties> Display> Hyperlinks > Support Hyperlinks using URL:
Hyperlink #1
Prefix= http:// url to the tax information page ?
Field= PIN

Prefix= http:// url to parcel report?
Field= PIN



1 Comment

Doing some Ideas housekeeping.  It should be possible to accomplish this using the hyperlink base as described here: Using Hyperlinks—Help | ArcGIS Desktop