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Group Layer Templates-- Share Attributes WITHOUT attribute rules

5 hours ago
Status: Open
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MVP Regular Contributor

More or less copied from this post here: Group Layer Templates: Share values? - Esri Community

I'd like to link fields in group layer templates so that when I fill out the field on the primary feature template, the fields that I link (through field map-- I don't want the names to have to match exactly) also get filled in.

(Bonus points if, for example, you have a primary feature and two different secondary templates and one of the secondary templates has an attribute that relies on the other secondary)





The point template, with the Name field exposed to pre-fillThe polygon template, with the Name field exposed to pre-fill




The group template, with the Name field of the point layer exposed to pre-fillThe group template, with the Name field of the polygon layer exposed to pre-fill





The group template, with the Name field of the point layer exposed and filledThe group template, with the Name field of the polygon layer exposed but not filled out






Resulting featuresThe attributes of the resulting features.


As you can see, the attributes are not linked.
I know we can accomplish this with attribute rules but I'm looking for a native solution because I feel it's an obvious need: If I buffer a point I expect there to be some sort of link between the two (e.g. shared attributes, or like, idk the globalid of the primary in the guid field of the secondary so they can participate easily in a relationship class)