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Graphical User Interface for Dynamic Text

02-26-2020 10:15 AM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Regular Contributor

I had an ArcGIS Pro user who would like to see a little more guidance when adding dynamic text.


1. She was looking/couldn't find relative scale text. It's not very clear that Dynamic Text should be where to look, maybe just a name change?


2. When you add a North Arrow, Scale Bar, Legend, etc, you get a nice user interface that enables you to define parameters. My user was frustrated that the same thing didn't exist for Dynamic Text, in this case relative scale text. I imagine the Element window could read the parameters referred to in the text and search through the layout for acceptable options and provide them as a drop down.





Did you discover the dynamic text interface by going to the Properties of the dynamic text element in the layout?

Then there is a link to Modify dynamic text—Layouts | Documentation 

Just trying to gauge whether this more of a discoverability issue, or a functionality issue.  Definitely seems like discoverability based on the description.



Once I pointed the user to Dynamic Text as the place to find relative scale text there was consternation (I think not too strong a word) about having to do, "you know, programming." What they were looking for was much more akin to an ArcMap interface:

I'm a poke-around-and-figure-it-out kind of person and I've noticed the help for dynamic text improve dramatically over the last few years. Nevertheless, I understand the perspective of a quite experienced desktop GIS user who'd like the simplicity of the old interface.

That interface has been built into the tools for scale bar, north arrow, etc.

Hope that clarifies.

