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Georeference multi-page .tif raster

03-31-2016 09:56 AM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor

Allow for georeferencing of one page within a .tif document (e.g. plat maps) that contain multiple pages.


The way I work around that is I load the TIF into Adobe Acrobat, and export all pages as JPG.  That generates one JPG for each page.  I then pick which pages I want and georeference those.


We also need this functionality.  To map permit areas for water rights, we sometimes need to georeference a map that is on the second of third page of a scanned tif.  I understand that I can use the extract subdataset tool to copy out the single tif, but this creates additional tifs that need to be stored and managed on our shared directories.  It would be better for file management if we did not have to create additional tifs for georeferencing.  Selecting a single page of a tif to display was available in ArcMap.  It would be helpful to have this same functionality in ArcGIS Pro.