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Fully support Data Interop user parameters from the Workbench app in the GP framework

09-06-2022 09:02 AM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Frequent Contributor

Using the ArcGIS Data Interoperability Workbench offers you all the possibilities you find in FME Workbench to define user parameters.
The 'Choice' parameter type allows you to define a dropdown list where you define values and there aliases, called 'Display' in FME.


When executing the workspace in FME the user is presented a dropdown list showing all the display items to select from. Behind the scenes, FME is using the value of the selected display item.

While ArcGIS Pro does understand the choice list parameter during the 'Share As Web Tool' procedure, the resulting web tool does not show any of the display items anymore, but only the behind laying values, and thereby removing the meaning of the items in the context of the user.




I think for everybody who has a good user experience in mind, and is using the 'Choice' dropdown user parameter, it will be very helpful when the resulting dropdown box in the geoprocessing tool is able to handle both, the value and its display.