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Filtering table by visible maplex labels

01-27-2023 01:25 PM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor

  I would like to be able to filter the records shown in the attribute table based on what labels the maplex engine is showing. The use case is if I have only some streets labeled on a map due to maplex settings I might need to create a street index based on only the visible labels. If the attribute table would automatically filter the records, it would make creating the street index for a city or county map much easier. For the same reason if you could filter the records by display filter that would also be useful. Thank you for your time.


Dale Jackan

1 Comment

I think your best bet to accomplish this is to convert the dynamically placed Maplex labels to annotation using the:

"Convert labels to annotation" geoprocessing tool

in ArcGIS Pro as this will give you a geodatabase table with data about the labels, which should include their text.

I know of no other good way to get the data of the displayed labels, e.g. there is no "listVisibleLabels" property on something like a Layer object in ArcPy.