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fallback license server

03-16-2017 08:39 AM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Frequent Contributor



It would be useful if we could configure a fallback license server for ArcGIS.



Our Highway Department would like to purchase a concurrent license for only their department to use.  However, I warned them that only one of their staff could use GIS at a single time as the software cannot check out a license from first their machine, then our general license server.


Example Use:

A Highway Department user opens ArcGIS.

ArcGIS looks to see if their is an open license on the Highway ArcGIS license server.

If all the licenses are in use then ArcGIS looks to see if there is an open license on the General ArcGIS license server.



This way the highway department could budget purchasing their own license for their needs and not have to worry about not being able to take advantage of the regular county pool of licenses.


Thank You!



If you have enough licenses (through ELA or additional licensing), you can setup multiple license managers.  In the desktop ArcGIS Administrator on client machines, you can set multiple license servers:

Backup license servers—License Manager Guide | ArcGIS Desktop 

Server1:  27000@highwayserver

Server2:  27000@generalserver

In the admin window for concurrent licenses, you set this:


If there are no licenses available on highway server, it will automatically look at the general server.



lygismav‌ Please let us know if Alexander's solution is what you're looking for.  If so, we'll mark this Idea as Already Offered.

Thank you!