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Extent Indicator symbology enhancement

09-12-2022 12:54 PM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Regular Contributor

The current Extent Indicator functionality in the Layout view can only draw a rectangle extent.  I suggest providing an option to use the rectangle center point as a means to intersect a sub-layer within the Source Frame and symbolize the features. 

Example 1: current Extent Indicator functionality.
Example 2: Enhancement to allow symbolizing of features within the Extent Indicator

A mockup of new functionality for the Extent Indicator dialog is also provided.


 This opens up a lot of interesting cartographic possibilities!  


If you're working within a map series, this is already possible. If it's a single standalone map, you can just configure the symbology in the locator map to match what you want.


It's a single standalone map, but we want to save it as a reusable Layout Template.  The purpose of a template is so that we don't have to configure the symbology in the locator map for each standalone map we create.  If we can configure the Extent Indicator to set the symbology, then this functionality would be embedded into the reusable layout itself.


So without a map series, how will the extent indicator know which feature you're looking for?


Currently, the extent rectangle is controlled by the "Source" map frame.  Now, simply take the center of that extent rectangle and intersect it with the "Input Features".  The "Input Features" is a layer within the locator map.

In my mockup, you can see that I am intersecting the center point of the extent rectangle with the County Layer within the locator map. The County Layer polygon will then have the symbology applied.




I suppose that would work for non-overlapping layers, which most locators tend to be anyway.