Expanded reclassify options for pixel editor

08-17-2023 10:19 PM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor

The pixel editor functionality within the Image Analyst extension if very handy, especially for multiple or small, irregular reclassification tasks. At the moment, either one or any class can be reclassifed into another class. It would be great if multiple classes could be grouped into another class e.g. grouping all pixels with class values of 1,5 or 7 into the class with a value of 10. This is similar to reassigning classes via standard reclassification tools, but with the functionality of the pixel editor e.g. the ability to draw regions around pixels of interest rather than reassigning all pixels of a given class value. This seems like an achievable enhancement (e.g. with check-boxes) and would significantly enhance the capability of the pixel editor tool.