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Excel to Table needs more error checking

10-02-2017 01:31 PM
Status: Closed
Occasional Contributor

Excel to Table does not convert the minus symbol or dash to an underscore like other special characters.  This took much sleuthing on mine and esri support chat desk.  Please make sure that all the special characters are included in the conversion tool.

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Robert Graham‌ Could you please provide some more details about what you expect to be converted?

Do you have dashes in Excel that are becoming field names in ArcGIS?  Are you getting an error, does the tool not complete?  Or if you end up with a table that has dashes in the field names, does that cause an error with something else downstream?

I just ran a quick check and if I have a dash in what becomes a field name in the output table from the tool, the dash is maintained.  This idea is requesting for dashes to be converted to underscores as part of "error checking."  I'm just not sure right now what the error is.

Defining tables—ArcGIS Help | ArcGIS Desktop 

Thank you!

Status changed to: Closed

There is no clearly defined objective to this idea.  We should re-open this if there is a clearly defined objective.