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Enable read-only Maplex functionality by default

09-21-2011 01:47 PM
Status: Already Offered
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor

ArcView and ArcEditor users that don't have access to a Maplex license have been given the ability in ArcGIS 10 to view maplex labeled layers in ArcMap.  However, this read-only functionality is only enabled after a user with a Maplex license has opened an MXD, enabled Maplex and then saved it.  This is a completely unnecessary step that adds time to workflows and confuses users.  The read-only Maplex functionality should be enabled by default for all levels of ArcGIS desktop.

1 Comment
Status changed to: Already Offered

Hi Scott, 

We've come a long way since Maplex was a separate product.  In ArcGIS Pro it is the default label engine, so we no longer run into the issues you describe.
