Please add the histogram and scatterplot functions to Training Sample Manager like in ArcMap, whether it is in the tool itself like ArcMap or somewhere else that is similarly handy and easy to use while managing training samples.
The ability to evaluate and improve training samples in ArcGIS Pro is crippled without the ability to easily view histograms or scatterplots like you can in ArcMap. These functions in the ArcMap version of Training Sample Manager have disappeared in Pro and need to be reintroduced. The only option I can seem to find is to create a spectrum mean line chart from the imagery I am classifying and manually add the training sample polygons for each class or each feature I want to evaluate from a class. Unfortunately this chart locks up my computer and does not provide the same functionality we got in ArcMap. Even if it were to work, this is not the same as viewing the histogram and being able to quickly compare different classes and polygons within classes.