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Documentation about querying for blank features

11-18-2023 05:34 AM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Esteemed Contributor

It would help to have official documentation on how to properly query for blank features in ArcGIS Pro (in definition queries, Select By Attributes, etc.):

  • Feature has shape, but geometry is nil (zero-vertex)
  • Feature has shape, but geometry is null
  • Shape is completely null

See this post for more details: Select features that have blank shapes



The check geometry tool does this quite well:

I would consider this to be the official tool for this workflow as you don't generally want to have spatial features without geometry. So it's more a check/repair workflow than a query?

It seems you've submitted this idea in response to a specific problem encountered after an upgrade. If the check/repair geometry tool doesn't cover your issue, or there's more general reasons why you want to have no geometry spatial records, it might be worth expanding your to cover the workflows and use case


@ChristopherCounsell For our notes, the check geometry tool doesn’t support ESRI’s ST_Geometry datatype (for Oracle), which is the datatype I use.


ArcGIS Data Reviewer checks—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
Methods to implement automated review—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
Reviewer rules in a geodatabase (attribute rule-based workflows)

Check Geometry—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation

Invalid Geometry Check Explained… (

The check returns features that meet one of the following conditions:

1. Nothing

2. Empty

3. Has an empty envelope

4. Not simple