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Disallow null geometry when creating feature class

11-17-2023 09:51 PM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Esteemed Contributor

It's possible to create features where the shape is not null, but the geometry is null.

When creating a feature class using Catalog, could an option be added that would let us prevent null geometries? I'm not aware of a way to do that using attribute rules.


1 Comment

ArcGIS Data Reviewer checks—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
Methods to implement automated review—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
Reviewer rules in a geodatabase (attribute rule-based workflows)

Check Geometry—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation

Invalid Geometry Check Explained… (

The check returns features that meet one of the following conditions:

1. Nothing

2. Empty

3. Has an empty envelope

4. Not simple