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Current page label expression support for use in map series

04-20-2023 01:42 PM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor

When setting up a map series, having the ability to create expressions using the "current page" value would be very helpful.  One use case example would be to label adjacent pages differently.  If the adjacent page field1 is equal to the "current page" field1, the label might be red and if not, label would be green.  Another use case example would be adding a definition query to display features if field1 = ALL or field2 = "current page".  The fields are not the field driving the map series so a Page Query won't work.  The fields might be on the map series index layer or on other layers in the map.

Status changed to: Needs Clarification

Can you explain what kind of text and map series you are using for this? Value dynamic text supports the current map series page as a filter type for spatial map series. Is there something additional you need?




For the different labels, we need to set a label expression using the "current page" or a definition query using the "current page" on a layer in the map that is not the map series layer .

In the example below, labels are dependent on the "current page" BOOK field


For the other example, we want to limit the display of points within the map to a definition query that is dependent on two fields in a layer that is not the map series layer.  The definition query would be something like MAP = ALL or MapSheet = "current page".  Then the filtered points within the map would be listed in a dynamic table frame.

Status changed to: Open

So you are looking for something on the labels within the map? Not text in the layout? If so I'd recommend using annotation where you can set up page queries to choose what is displayed on different map series pages.


Managing annotation is more work, currently we are using a python script with to generate the labels.  A python script will be created for the other example as well, but it would be nice to have the functionality in the future maybe using arcade.


Ok, I understand now. I've updated the title of this idea to make it clear that it is regards to labels, not text in a layout.