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Create View Layer

12-16-2022 10:55 AM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Frequent Contributor


In ArcGIS Pro 2.9.5 (AGP), I can click a map containing numerous layers in the contents pane,

  1. then click Share > Web Layer > Publish Web Layer
  2. the "Share As Web Layer" dialog appears, and I can configure and publish
  3. I elect to "Copy all data * Feature" in order to create a "Feature Layer (hosted)" item type in ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.1 (AGE) or ArcGIS Online (AGO), whatever
  4. AGP dutifully publishes the hosted feature layer to AGE.
  5. the AGE item page lists and links all of the layers in the item, one for each layer in the AGP map
  6. in order to share each layer as a separate item for AGE users to discover and use, I have to go to each layer item and click "Create View Layer" and go through that workflow to make separate item entries.
  7. ...and guess what - in AGE the title did not inherit the title of the layer, the item info/metadata is not present, Data tab just pulses Loading..., Visualization tab says "No legend" and zooms to the full extent of the web mercator basemap

Idea for To-Be

In ArcGIS Pro (AGP), I can click a map containing numerous layers in the contents pane,

  1. then click Share > Web Layer > Publish Web Layer
  2. the "Share As Web Layer" dialog appears, and I can configure and publish
  3. I elect to "Copy all data * Feature" in order to create a "Feature Layer (hosted)" item type in ArcGIS Enterprise (AGE) or ArcGIS Online (AGO), whatever
    1. New:  I elect to "Create View Layers" for a) all; b) some; or c) none of the map layers
  4. AGP dutifully publishes the hosted feature layer and view layers to AGE.
  5. the AGE item page lists and links all of the layers in the item, one for each layer in the AGP map
  6. New:  There is a "Feature Layer (hosted, view)" item for each map layer for which I elected to publish and create a view.
  7. New ...and each view layer inherits all of the item details, metadata, data & visualization styling from its source layer.  Also, it works properly. 
  8. I can then adjust the view layers as necessary, release them to my customers, and move to the next assignment.

Bonus points

  1. The same pattern and capabilities hold for when I drag and drop a onto the AGE "add stuff" thingy.
  2. And it works properly.




truncated tags

ArcGIS, Pro, Enterprise, Online, copy, all, data, item, information, description, drag, drop

1 Comment

I like that idea and it would save a lot of time.