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Consolidate ArcGIS Pro named user licensing from Enterprise and ArcGIS Online in ArcGIS Online or Enterprise

09-02-2022 01:57 PM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Frequent Contributor

Our organization uses ArcGIS Online and Enterprise and assigns named user Pro licenses to users through ArcGIS Online and Enterprise. The reason we have to use Enterprise licensing also is because of Utility Network User type extension. This has turned into an admin issue and led to user confusion as we have ArcGIS Online as well as well as multiple ArcGIS Enterprise environments. I like the simplicity of named user licensing through AGOL versus running multiple license managers on Prem. It would be nice if you could consolidate the licenses you have across environments in ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise and be able to manage named user licenses through one interface.

1 Comment

I agree completely. I just got done migrating all Pro users to Named User licensing on AGOL with the goal of eliminating the Lic Mgr. Then as I start working towards the UN, I find that I have to switch those users back to Portal licensing and run a Lic Mgr to support it afterall. If it were possible to allow licensing the Utility Network User Extension with AGOL, then I would defer all licensing to AGOL and make it simple for users with one stop shopping for the license.