Current Situation
When adding rasters these are the default:
- 1 band: Stretch, grey
- 2 bands: RGB
- 3 bands: RGB
- 4 bands: RGB
The options for 1, 3 and 4 bands are fine.
However, I encountered many situations where the raster had 2 bands, where the RGB symbology was horrible - it turned the raster blue and white.
In my experience rasters with 2 bands usually have one band containing the actual data and the second band being a mask. Thus I just switch Raster Layer >> Symbology from RGB to Stretch and it's all good. It's not a difficult workaround, it's just cumbersome to do this if you work often with rasters with 2 bands. Plus the current default just doesn't make any sense.
...or just use QGIS, as QGIS also uses stretch and grey for rasters with 2 bands as default and it works much better, I never encountered a situation in which this didn't work (so far). No need to change anything there.