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Bring Back Outline Styles from Map

11-09-2023 06:12 PM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Frequent Contributor


In Map, there was a gallery of well over a hundred styles of Outlines for polygons. Apparently, this has been taken away with Pro.  PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE bring this back!!!!

I found that someone else has already suggested this idea, but it has not been addressed.

I am having such a hard time understanding why some very important, practical, useful, even essential features that existed in Map were just taken away, and why other things were made extravagantly time-consuming in Pro that used to be straight-forward and convenient.

I guess the solution is that I'm supposed to figure out how to make my own multi-layer outline templates and figure out how to save them somewhere and import them when I want them - if that's even possible. So far, I can't tell that it is.

Thank you for your consideration!!!


I'm with you all the way on this comment and suggestion. I was just wondering why I do not have all the line types with Line Features. This would also apply to the outline of polygons, there are not many variations of line types anymore.  I was looking for single dot line type and it's not there.   



Hi Patrick,

You may have figured this out: there is a way to get some dashed lines, but you there are only a few options - whereas in Map, there were well over a hundred templates that I used a LOT.  In Pro, there are only a few, very limited options and it's a little more convoluted to find and create them.




Yes, Thank you. everything now in Pro is a task.  If you like to spend 15 Minutes getting a line type that's desirable.