I have a FGDB table that I'll use to make a bar chart:
---------- ----------
2024 100
2025 200
2025 300
2026 400
2027 500
2028 600
2028 700
2028 800
2029 900
2031 100
That bar chart works, but I need bars in the bar chart for each year within a range: system year + 9.
In other words, I want bars for 10 years, starting with the current year (currently 2023).
But in ArcGIS Pro 3.0.3, I can't control the x-axis bounds:
Ideally, I'd be able to set the x-axis min and max bounds using calculated values:
- Min: EXTRACT(YEAR from SYSDATE) = 2023
- Max: EXTRACT(YEAR from SYSDATE) + 9 = 2032
The x-axis would have bars for all years in that range: 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029, 2030, 2031, 2032. You'll notice that 2023, 2030, and 2032 were missing from the data, but were added due to the range.
It would look like this:
- The x-axis bounds would be dynamic. So on January 1, 2024, the chart would automatically switch from 2023-2032 to 2024-2033.
- To be clear, I don't want to manually add filler rows to the table or export a copy of the table for modifying the data. I want dynamic bounds in the chart.
- It's important to note that all gaps need to be filled; the chart wouldn't look right if there was a gap for 2023, 2030, or 2032.
- I suppose the programming language for the calculated values would be Arcade.
Could that functionality be added to ArcGIS Pro?
Related: Force bar chart to show missing years within 10-year range (system year + 9)