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Article comparing feature layer types and use cases

01-10-2024 04:16 PM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Esteemed Contributor

I've been trying to learn about the different types of feature layers/table views in ArcGIS Pro:

  1. Make Query Table 
  2. Make Table View 
  3. Make Feature Layer
  4. Make Query Layer 
  5. Create Database View
  6. Selection Layers
  7. Other layer types to consider:
    1. .LYRX files
    2. Event layers
    3. More?

I'm finding it difficult to wrap my head around the differences between the various kinds of layers, such as the difference between 1, 2, and 3. I've tried to outline some of the differences in a related post: Consistent/visible SQL expressions and query definitions in layers. But I'm just making stuff up.

Could Esri post an article, such as a blog post, that directly compares the different kinds of feature layers/table views, all within a single page/doc? For example, maybe there could be a matrix that shows what layers allow editing, how they store their SQL logic, the intended use case for each layer type, etc.

I'm aware that there is information in the documentation that is useful when investigating a specific layer type. But I still find it hard to make sense of all those layer types, and I think an article or a comparison page in the docs would be helpful.


I think this is a great idea!  I don't understand all those layers, either.


I agree.


Totalmente de acuerdo.