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ArcGIS PRO:Save a simple funtions like VRT (gdal library)

12-11-2019 06:16 AM
Status: Open
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Occasional Contributor

Now, you can do some improvements in an Image and save the result as *.lyrx (this improvements are for example color balancing, georeferenced, and others) all the changes are stored in the *.lyrx.

In many cases could be very interested to save as VRT instead of lyrx.

I know ArcGIS can read VRT, but no store in this format.


Hi, I'm no expert on this but you can save a raster processing function chain as an RFT file and re-use it on any raster.


A Raster Function Template is only one part of VRT. It would be good to have complete support, particularly being able to draw* polygon or square on a raster as "save as vrt" for Areas of Interest.  (* or use a feature class, shapefile, ...)


We ship GDAL in our Python distribution and I just checked gdal.BuildVRT is in there so you could build a script tool that writes VRT.