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ArcGIS Pro Browse Boxes - Copy, Paste, Drag and Drop Files Between Folders

09-09-2022 11:38 AM
Status: Open
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Honored Contributor

In ArcMap and many windows applications, browse boxes used for selecting a file or folder function as small file explorers with at least some file management functionality. ArcMap, specifically, allows dragging and dropping within its browse boxes. This allows for easily cleaning up or rearranging files when you see them rather than having to go load up a catalog pane and drill down that way, or whatever the proposed route is now.

(See the dragging?):


It never allowed for copy/paste, though, which would also be nice. If I get a browse box from Windows, I have access to most if not all core functionalities including drag-and-drop and cut/copy/paste. It's really nice -- you already know how to use it and everything just works.


For whatever reason, the browse boxes in Pro are extremely locked down -- a frustrating lack of functionality where everything does not just work. What's baffling is that some functions, like creating new folders/geodatabases and renaming things, are supported. But you can't actually put anything in that new folder you just made. To do that requires another trip out of the box, over to a catalog of some sort, navigating to where you were, doing the move, and back to the box. I don't know anyone who prefers a labyrinthine detour when they've already reached the gate. A similar detour exists for adding folder connections: Add folder connection from 'Add Data' and similar ... - Esri Community. It's great that Pro's catalog can do those things, but unlocking that gate would be easier -- for those circumstances when you get to your data and want to make changes.

Opening these interfaces up to standard file management features would make my life a lot easier and hopefully someday switch away from ArcCatalog. For now, keeping ArcCatalog open is nice because when I face an issue like this, I can quickly get there in ArcCatalog and make the switch without having to cancel out of the modal screen, etc.

This idea led to the implementation of drag-and-drop for Catalog pane; now let's complete the task and implement it consistently.