Arcade window similar to Python Window or Playground

05-14-2024 10:59 AM
Status: Open
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by MVP Regular Contributor
MVP Regular Contributor

When exploring data one option is to use Python under Python Window. But if one wants to explore the data via Arcade it's not possible in Pro. It would be nice to have something similar to Python Window or Playground on the Dev site for Arcade in Pro.

Maybe adding an editor  to Pro similar to the one available in Map Viewer or Dashboards would be nice.




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One tricky part with this will be deciding which set of Arcade commands that window should be able to "see".

I could see this being really useful since sometimes I have trouble debugging an Arcade script because I don't get enough information back to know where it's failing.  So being able to run it somewhere that I could dump debug messages to a terminal would be great!

But that only works if the "Arcade Window" could be told what to pretend it's functioning as.


...or if ESRI would just standardize implementation of Arcade across all places it's available (which, for the record, would be stellar), that would work, too.  But I don't see that happening anytime soon, for some reason.


@MErikReedAugusta The Console() function can be used to report state when validating expressions. In attribute rules it will log to the debug app log. There isn't any other console in ArcGIS Pro.

As for your comment about standardizing the implementation across all places - this is very much our goal and we have a large shared test suite against the implementations. If you have cases where this is not occurring, they should be reported as bugs. If you have additional profiles you'd like to see in places where they're not available, those should be logged as enhancement requests.

In terms of the editor experience - we are currently looking into syncing up editor experiences albeit with some differences related to the host applications the editor is used in.

by MVP Regular Contributor

@MErikReedAugusta @CraigWilliams thank you for the comments!

Yes, I do agree that standardizing Arcade across the ESRI suite would be great. For example some functions that work in Pro cannot be translated to Map Viewer since Map Viewer does not support those functions. 

In my opinion an "Arcade Window" would not be beneficial in debugging the code but also help with data exploration with tabular and visualization output support would be great too.