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Append to unregistered feature class

01-05-2024 06:35 PM
Status: Open
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Esteemed Contributor


I think I slightly misunderstood this limitation when I originally posted it. The limitation exists whether or not the database is a geodatabase or not. The append tool can't be used on an unregistered FC, regardless if the database is an enterprise geodatabase. This problem isn't related to the Oracle database version.

The title was originally "Load/Append into non-GDB enterprise database FC."

ArcGIS Pro 3.2.1; Oracle Express 18c; the database is not a geodatabase (no ArcGIS Server or Enterprise)

I have a testing environment where I use an Oracle XE database to test issues in the latest version of Pro before reporting ArcGIS bugs and submitting ideas.

In that environment, I’m not able to edit data, because editing is only supported in FCs that are registered with a geodatabase: Unable to edit a feature class not registered with the geodatabase. I suppose that is expected.

I am able to create/edit data in a separate data source, such as a shapefile or mobile/file geodatabase, and then copy/paste the FC into the enterprise database using Catalog.

That works, but it would be helpful to have an additional option: Append external data into a FC in the enterprise database to avoid recreating the FC. Currently, the Load [Append] Catalog context-menu option is not available for enterprise database FCs. And the Append GP tool throws an error: "ERROR 160236: The operation is not supported by this implementation."

Could that functionality be added?




Oracle XE is not a supported Oracle Database Type with Esri Enterprise Geodatabases.

ArcGIS 11.2 and ArcGIS Pro 3.2 requirements for Oracle—ArcGIS Enterprise | Documentation for ArcGIS ...

Only Oracle 19c Standard and Enterprise Editions are supported with ArcGIS Pro 3.2.

The ArcGIS Pro Append Data Tool can be used to load the data.

Append (Data Management)—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation

"Use this tool to add new features or other data from multiple datasets to an existing dataset."

For more information on how to load large datasets into a featureclasses in an Oracle Geodatabase see my white paper. - How Load Large Featureclass Oracle Geodatabase



It's surprising to me that GP tools in ArcGIS Pro would even be aware the database is technically not a supported version. Everything else seems to work fine with my Oracle 18c XE db. It seems strange that this one tool would be the exception.

Are you able to show us in a screenshot that a non-GDB Oracle database (a supported version: 19c standard or enterprise) works as expected when using the Append tool?

Also, in your environment, does Catalog have the Load context-menu option for FCs in a non-GDB Oracle database? Here's a screenshot of my environment where the Load button is missing:


Oracle XE is not a supported Oracle Database Type with Esri Enterprise Geodatabases.

Yes, but I'm not trying to create an Enterprise Geodatabase. I'm trying to use an existing non-GDB Oracle XE database. I think there's an important difference there.


Several of the Geoprocessing Tools will only work with a Geodatabase, you cannot expect that all GP tools to work with Non-GDB tables data, also a Geoprocessing tool might show unexpected errors if you are using a version of Oracle that is not supported with ArcGIS Pro. Therefore, the best is always to use a supported Oracle version for the ArcGIS Pro version that you have and switch from a Non-GDB to a Geodatabase, you might not be planning to use advanced geodatabase features, but you will need a Geodatabase depending on the type of data workflow that you are trying to build and only in a Geodatabase certain Geoprocessing Tools will work correctly.


Append (Data Management)—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation


Featureclass is in fact a table with a spatial column and an ObjectID (unique identifier) that is registered with the Geodatabase Repository.

Table in the documentation is referring to a database table with attribute fields, no spatial column, and the table is also registered with the Geodatabase Repository.


Note: a Featureclass is only a Featureclass when it is registered with the Enterprise Geodatabase, otherwise it is just a table with a spatial column. You will not be able to edit the Non-GDB table in ArcGIS Pro, you can only edit the table with spatial data with ArcGIS Pro after it is registered with the Geodatabase Repository, and it becomes a Geodatabase Featureclass.


Note: if the ArcGIS Pro Geoprocessing Tool "Append Data Tool" does not work for the data workflow that you are trying to build then there are other options to explore like using a File Geodatabase as the intermediate format before appending the data to the Oracle Geodatabase Featureclass, also there are many options to automate the data workflow like ArcGIS Pro Model Builder, Python Script, ArcGIS Pro Data Interoperability Extension and FME Workbench & FME Server. If you want to manipulate Non-GDB Oracle table data then you can explore the use of a Python Script or FME Workbench or Oracle tools like Oracle PL/SQL, Oracle Spatial SDO,  Oracle SQL Statements ( Insert, Update, Delete, Merge, etc.), Oracle Data Loader Oracle 19c - Understanding How to Use SQL*Loader (