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Adjusting the 'Add Notebook' Button for Consistency

3 weeks ago
Status: Open
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New Contributor III

Proposed Idea: Align the functionality of the "Add Notebook" button in ArcGIS Pro with that of other 'add data' buttons, such as 'Import Map', to automatically open selected notebooks in new panes upon insertion. Alternatively, consider adjusting the button label to indicate where the added notebook can be found, such as "Add Notebook to Project" or "Add Notebook to Catalog", to reduce user confusion.

Justification: Currently, when users attempt to open existing Python Notebooks (.ipynb) using the "Add Notebook" button, the notebook is only added to the catalog without opening as a new pane. This inconsistency in functionality creates confusion for users who expect similar behavior to other 'add data' buttons. Aligning the "Add Notebook" button with the behavior of the "New Notebook" or "Import Map" buttons will provide a smoother workflow and reduce uncertainty. 

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