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Add "Ridge" Alias to Create Locator Tool

10-26-2021 11:25 AM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Emerging Contributor

Could you please add the alias "Ridge" to street type in the Create Locator tool? I've tested in a 10.7.1 Address Locator created in ArcCatalog and in a 2.6.3 ArcGIS Pro Locator, and neither will return a result when searching for "Lier Ridge" for example. Results are returned for Lier Rg and Lier Rdg, but some users like to type out the full street name.


@Jaclyn ,

In ArcGIS Pro 2.6.3 what tool did you use to create the locator that does not return matches for address that include Ridge as part of the street name? I'd like to clarify which tool you used since in ArcGIS Pro 2.6.3 there are two different tools to create locators with, Create Address Locator and Create Locator.

Can you share how your reference data to build the locator is formatted for this street name?



Hi Shana,

I used the Create Locator tool because I read that the Create Address Locator tool will be deprecated at version 2.7. I created 2 locators using this tool and a third locator using the Create Composite Address Locator tool.

Locator 1: Civic Points (Supported Roles - PointAddress)

Locator 2: Street Lines (Supported Roles - StreetAddress)

Locator 3: Composite of above Civic and Street locators

Shared Composite Locator as a Locator service to ArcGIS Server and Enterprise 10.7.1 with Suggest enabled.

GeocodeServer URL used in Enterprise and Cityworks internal applications.

For example, in a WebApp Builder application the above Composite service URL was entered within the Search widget for Geocoder URL.

In the application search bar when you enter Lier Rg or Lier Rdg, it displays the address of Lier Rg and zooms to the correct location. When you enter Lier Ridge, it displays Ridge Ave and zooms to that street. In Cityworks using the similar Locate search bar, Lier Ridge returns the message “No locations were found.” You have to search for Lier Rg to return any result.

Thank you!



Thanks for the additional information about the issue you are facing, but what I'm looking for is how "Lier Ridge" is formatted in the attribute table of the Civic Points and Street Lines data layers to be able to better understand what is happening with your locator. For example is 'Lier' in the street name field and 'Ridge' is the street type field or is one of the abbreviations used in the street type field? Can you share the reference data table section in the Locator Properties dialog for the locators you created or a screenshot of the record in the data layer that shows how the street name is formatted or standardized?



Sorry for the confusion.


Civic Locator.PNG


Street Locator.PNG

Thank you.


@Jaclyn Do you get the same behavior in the Locate pane in ArcGIS Pro when search for an address on 'Lier Rg' with any of the 3 locators you mentioned above? You should be getting the same behavior with the local locator as you do with the service. I get matches no matter what street type I use for a locator built in 2.7.3 and use in the Locate pane.



Locate pane:






In the Locate pane in ArcGIS Pro 2.6.3 when I type in Lier Rg or Lier Ridge, I do get the proper results for both to display as candidates, but when I hit enter only Lier Rg returns results. This is the same in our WebApp Builder apps. Cityworks doesn’t use the Suggest functionality so there are no candidates at all for Lier Ridge and only Lier Rg – enter will return anything. In our Enterprise apps, users are able to select Lier Ridge results instead of hitting enter to get results, but this is the only street type example we’ve found where this needs to be done. It was the same thing a few years back with street types of Circle and Close but in the next software release they were added into the Locator tool xml as aliases which solved the problem. I remember with that request a colleague ticketed Esri but this time I was asked to post here as an Idea. Perhaps if you're getting results at 2.7.3 that I'm not at 2.6.3 it has been added into that release.

After hitting Enter:

Lier Rg Locate.PNGLier Ridge Locate.PNG