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Add Completion Prompts for Reconcile and Post Processes

08-02-2024 01:13 PM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Regular Contributor

Add completion prompts for reconcile and post processes.

Current State
When finishing edits on version and navigating to the Versioning tab > Versioning group, there are two buttons to select: Reconcile and Post (initially greyed out). Clicking Reconcile allows the user to configure options and run the task. Once it finishes, the Post button becomes active. After clicking Post and the tool completing successfully, the button becomes greyed out again. Currently, there are no obvious prompts to indicate when the reconcile and post processes have completed. The only cues are the visual greying out of the buttons.


Proposed Change
Implement dialogue text box prompts that appear once the Reconcile and Post processes have completed. These prompts will inform the user that the processes have successfully finished.

This change will provide clear and obvious feedback to users, ensuring they are aware when the Reconcile and Post processes are complete.

Additional Information
There is a standalone Reconcile Versions geoprocessing tool, but this proposed change should still be implemented as outlined above.