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Ability to exclude labels from clipping in Map Series

02-17-2023 12:17 PM
Status: Implemented
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor

Creating a map series that will automatically create the scale of the map you need based on the map series index and clip based on that index feature without clipping labels that overrun the edge of the extent.  If you have a layer you need labeled that happens to overrun the index boundary (like a 30 digit tax parcel ID), then it will not label.  We need the ability to exclude labels like we do layers in the Map Properities>Clip Layers. However, the 'new center point' of the label would need to be what was coming from the clipped index and not the original center point of the feature polygon. Easier said then done I'm sure.  

I realize there is a work around by using a "mask" layer.  I could create what I need by doing an intersect, then a mask and excluding that layer in the series clip.  But having to create a bunch of intersects and arbitrary data just to get labels to work is inefficient.  Plus, the beauty of having a map series is when the underlying data in your SDE environment changes, you just refresh and export the new maps with ease.  By having to use this "mask" work around you have to redo your intersects every time something changes.  Converting to annotation won't work in a map series, as far as I know.  And Label Properties>Position>Unplaced labels>Never remove does not work either as the clip seems to override it.



Sorry to hear your having problems with Maplex placement of labels.

A change went into version 3.1 of ArcGIS Pro so that using the Never Remove property overrides the clipping of labels, this should give you the placement you want.





Nice !! That worked. Thanks @SamuelTroth2 

Status changed to: Implemented

This is implemented in ArcGIS Pro 3.1 as noted in the comment above. See What's new in ArcGIS Pro to learn about all the new functionality in this release!


@KoryKramer  I'm having some issues with that. With boundary placement labeling, an extra label for the feature clipped out is appearing.

Ex - at first, I got this:


Then, when I set it to 'remove all,' the pair is placing just fine (allow single-sided turned OFF), but I get a bonus label for Iowa.


Map series turned off, we're back to normal, even with 'do not remove' duplicates:


At first I thought it could be related to a mismatch in geometry between my county (index/clipping) layer and my state layer, but they're perfectly coincident down to the gnat's eyelash.

It happens for every county that borders another state:



One shows only a label for the other state:


Am I missing something in the settings that would get this straightened out? I'm not sure how I would approach using annotation or graphics in a map series.


More unexpected results when more than one boundary is labeled. In this case, only one label for the index feature is placed despite 'allow single sided labeling' turned off, 'do not remove' turned on...


Expected (map series disabled):


More issues:



Seems like this isn't really implemented? @SamuelTroth2 


@SamuelTroth2 is there a way to override this update in 3.1? So that we could make sure all features within the clipped area are labeled (i.e. never removed/placed overlapping), but those outside the clipped area are not labeled?